They say, Time is Money!! We say Timely Delivery is Joy and to see smiles on customer's faces is the true profit!! Good News!! Emaar Digi Homes is way ahead on timelines for delivery. While as per the RERA contract the delivery is scheduled for 2023. However, considering the pace at which the work has happened at Emaar Digi Homes, they are likely to be delivered starting August 2022 through December 2022.
As on Date: Dec' 2021, the building façade is at 32nd Floor, which means that the exterior building work is almost completed.
So what made this happen? Well first of all the Construction Technique used is special at Digi Homes. Secondly, the Emaar India's team's commitment to deliver not only quality but also deliver it well in time are the primary reason for the project to be well on it's way and get delivered ahead of time.